Ar. Mel C. Punsalan of PGBI & Technical Consultant for the Philippine Green Building Code, IFC-DPWH (third from left) shares his expertise during the Radio Veritas “ANG TINIG KLIMA” episode on Green Buildings and Climate Change last December 1, 2018. Other resource persons included: (seated from left) Atty. Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) & Undersecretary for Climate Change and Ms. Riza Mendoza, Radio Veritas Program Host.
Also in attendance are (second row from left) Ar. Rowena Ramos of BERDE, Philippine Green Building Council; Ms. Sheila Dino, Radio Veritas Pogram Host; Ms. Elenita Del Rosario-Basug, OIC-Director DENR Climate Change Service and Concurrent Chief, EMB Environmental Education; Mr. Paul Soriano, Radio Veritas Writer; and Mr. Kelvin Mamitag, Senior Environmental Management Specialist, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Planning Service.